PCS and 1st Class Credit Union

PCS has a long-standing relationship with 1st Class Credit Union, a member-owned and not-for profit financial body that provides many of the same services as a bank but with more affordable rates. 

1st Class Credit Union aims to provide its members with an ethical and affordable service while keeping them at the heart of the organisation. 

A credit union is a more ethical way of saving and borrowing, helping to prevent borrowers from getting into a debt cycle. With each loan repayment made, members must make the minimum savings contribution, so a fund of savings is available after a loan settlement.

1st Class Credit Union offers a number of services, including:

  • Easy Savings

Saving accounts from as little as £4 per week. This allows immediate access to funds, subject to surplus i.e. the state of the ‘pool’ and the directors’ decision. Members become eligible for the annual dividend.

  • Affordable Loans 

They state their loans are fairly priced, beating the average credit card and overdraft APR by a considerable margin – but please check this yourself using comparison sites.

  • Discounts Club

Members have access to over 5,000 discounts ranging from everyday spending, supermarkets, fuel and online shopping.

Visit the 1st Choice Credit Union website to find out more.

Find out about other services available and benefits of being a PCS member. 

1st Class Credit Union was established in 1992 and is regulated by The Prudential Regulation Authority and The Financial Conduct Authority.

Not yet a PCS member? Join online today.