Green workplaces

PCS is part of a growing movement demanding economic, social, and environmental action to create a unionised, zero-carbon economy.

There are many ways to get involved with climate issues: in the workplace, wherever you work in the civil service and related areas, by becoming a green rep, raising through trades councils and anti-cuts groups, and joining local campaigns.

Green reps carry out a range of activities in their workplaces, including raising awareness and promoting green practices with management and members, such as reducing waste, recycling, energy saving, green purchasing.

If you're interested in becoming a PCS green rep, or you are new to the role, contact to find out more and to sign up to the PCS green e-news bulletin.

Latest updates

Get ready for PCS National Climate Week 23-27 September

Climate change is a trade union issue, linking environmental action and workers’ rights. More details coming soon.

Resources available: A4 poster PCS National Climate Week 23-27 September

Statement on government roll-back on the environment

PCS Efra and Department for Energy Security and Net Zero ( DESNZ ) members, working through the EFRA and DESNZ groups, have issued a statement in response to the UK government rolling back on climate and environmental policies.

As a union we stand against policies that fly in the face of scientific evidence and will punish poor people and future generations all over the world. We will challenge Ministers politically and industrially on these policies, particularly as these breach the Civil Service Code strictures on civil servants to act with ‘integrity’, ‘honesty’ and ‘objectivity’. Join PCS to help us fight for real climate action. 

Read the statement in full.