Supporting Trans Pride 27 July

PCS Proud Trans rep Finn explains why it’s important to support Trans Pride this weekend

As an open and proud trans woman my life has too often been considered up for debate. Trans people in the UK have faced attacks from across society, whether it be the deliberate neglect that has failed to ban conversion therapy, or moves to ban healthcare access for trans children, or just the barrage of hate that appears daily in the media.

This weekend is Trans Pride in London. This is a protest, and a celebration. I will be unleashing the joy and the rage I have felt for the last year, and am excited that I will get to do that alongside my comrades in PCS. London Trans+ Pride has been running for 6 years as a grassroots alternative to Pride marches that take place in the city over the summer. Its main focus is to provide a space for those who are transgender, non-binary, gender non-conforming people and intersex to make themselves heard by protesting against transphobic and archaic legislation and advocate for changes to trans health care, as well as celebrating trans lives past, present and future.

The Tories may be out, but the fight for trans people is not over. It is vital that as trade unionists we stand in solidarity with trans lives.

Whether you’re attending trans pride, or the counter demonstration against Tommy Robinson and his thugs, take pride in standing with trans people alongside your union.

Joyful year

It has been an exhausting year. But it has also been a joyful one. I’ve been on HRT for over 6 months now, and have been celebrating my body changing to match the person I know I am. I’ve been out in work for over a year, and am glad to see the support I get from my fellow workers and my trade union.

I am proud I have stood with my union in the London and South East region defending my life and that of my other trans comrades. We stood at Honor Oak against fascists, and we won. I am proud to have stood with my union in support of Palestine, and the memory of our comrades who gave everything in the international brigades in Spain.