
Karen is a member of the PCS National Executive Committee and executive member of the Venezuelan Solidarity Campaign

Katherine is the Forestry Commission disability, neurodiversity and carers' network co-chair, and holds branch and group equalities positions. She is also a member of the PCS national disabled members' forum and has  recently completed a Diversity and Inclusion qualification.

Louis is vice chair of the national young members' committee and works for HMRC in Liverpool.

Mal works for the Land Registry in Plymouth and is a member of the national disabled members' forum.

Mark is a former general secretary of PCS who was first elected to the post in December 2000. He was re-elected in 2005, 2009 and again in 2014. A former clerical officer in the old DHSS, Mark is unique among his peers in other unions having come straight from the shop floor. He retired from PCS on 31 January, 2024.