Fran Heathcote elected to be first woman PCS general secretary

The election for our new general secretary and assistant general secretary closed today.

Following the announcement that PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka will retire on 31 January 2024, members were balloted to vote on a new general secretary and an assistant general secretary. The ballot closed today (14).

Fran Heathcote will be the first woman general secretary in the 130-year history of PCS and its predecessor unions. 

John Moloney will continue as PCS’s assistant general secretary. 

Download and read the full report of the election results from Civica.

On receiving the election results, successful candidate and general secretary elect Fran Heathcote said: “It’s a huge honour to have been elected as general secretary of this successful campaigning union. Thanks to Mark for all his fantastic work over the last 23 years.”

“I was proud to be PCS president during our successful campaign in 2023 which beat the government's pay policy, and I am now determined to lead the fight as general secretary to keep driving up our members’ pay and deal with the cost-of-living crisis.”

Mark Serwotka said: “Many congratulations to Fran. Having worked closely with her over the last four years I’m confident the union will go from strength to strength under her leadership".

Fran will officially take up the office of general secretary on 1 February 2024.