Your vote, your voice, your union

Our consultative ballot is your opportunity to have your say, but your voice doesn't end with the ballot. As a member led union we're always listening to what our members have to say.

The consultative ballot is your opportunity to have your say on the union's strategy for our campaign on pay, pensions, job security and redundancy terms. As a democratic union, led by members, PCS values the opinions of every member and that’s why we’re asking everyone to play their part in shaping the way we take the campaign forward.

As a democratic union, everything we do is informed by our members' wishes, from voting in your branch, to writing motions for ADC, and from group conferences to electing the general secretary.

We are asking for your endorsement of the union's strategy going forward with the campaign, and it’s important that as many members as possible vote; a strong turnout will strengthen the union’s hand in future negotiations with the government and employers.

Maz, a Liverpool-based DBS activist says “We’re member-led so it’s very important. We always worry about whether we get a say in things.

“Sometimes you hear people say what are the union going to do, and it’s actually up to yourself. It’s very important to be involved and have your say. When you get the opportunity to have your views known, you absolutely should do that.”

You can also give feedback through your branch. Your branch reps will be happy to pass on any feedback you have on the campaign so far, your ideas about what action your branch can take in the future and any other ideas you have about the PCS campaign.