Working in hot weather

Find out about your rights in the workplace while working in high summer temperatures.

There is no legal maximum working temperature, however there is a legal duty on employers to provide a 'reasonable' temperature in the workplace.

What is reasonable will depend on your workplace, the type of work you do, whether you have any disabilities, medical conditions and other factors.

Employers are also legally obliged to assess risks to the health and safety of their employees, and take action where necessary and where reasonably practicable. This includes workplace temperature.

Employers should consult with health and safety reps and employees to agree sensible ways to cope with high temperatures. These can include access to water and refreshments, more frequent breaks, better ventilation and reduced working hours. These measures also apply if you are working from home.


The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) website has useful advice and resources on workplace temperatures including information about heat stress and how to keep your workplace at a comfortable temperature.

The TUC has a guide for reps on dealing with high temperatures in the workplace.

If you are experiencing problems with workplace temperatures (including if your home is your workplace) contact your health and safety rep via PCS Digital.