Use your vote in the consultative ballot!

On 3 August, PCS launched our consultative ballot on our campaign. Hear from members about why it is so important to vote.

Our online consultative ballot opened last week (3 August) to ask you whether you agree with the union’s plan for the next steps in our campaign on pay, pensions, redundancy terms and job security.

Our plan is to pause strike action, except for the small number of areas yet to commit to paying the £1,500 cost of living payment, and go into talks with your individual employer on the 2023/24 pay round.

It’s important that as many members as possible vote in our ballot to endorse the way forward with our campaign.

Saul, who works for the DWP, tells us that it is important to vote in the ballot because “all members have been so involved in the campaign to this point”.

“Everyone has worked so hard and deserves to have a say on where the campaign goes next,” he adds.

Maz, who works for the DBS, explains how this ballot gives members the power to decide the future direction of the campaign.

“We’re member-led so it’s very important,” she says. “We always worry about whether we get a say in things. Sometimes you hear people say what are the union going to do, and it’s actually up to yourself. It’s very important to be involved and have your say. When you get the opportunity to have your views known, you absolutely should do that. It also gives the NEC a clear idea of where we’re at.”

The more people who vote, the stronger the message on next steps from members. In the words of Allie McCormick, who works in the Home Office: “We need to keep the momentum going.”

Read all you need to know about the ballot.

Not yet a member? Join PCS before 15 August to vote.