Urgent action needed on social security

Urgent action is needed to lift those using social security and experiencing poverty out of financial and health danger, a TUC fringe meeting heard.

The future of social security meeting last night (9), organised by London Unemployed Strategies, heard how PCS is campaigning to improve the welfare system.

PCS DWP Group President Angela Grant said our union had written to work and pensions Secretary Liz Kendall asking her to remove the benefits cap and lift people out of poverty.

"We want an end to sanctions. We have asked Labour to remove them and create a service that has support at its heart and a return of the social fund to social security. We want Universal Credit replaced with a system that works for everybody,” she said.

She said that there is real disappointment within our union and communities in what Labour have done so far.

"Labour should be making inroads in supporting our communities and what have already seen is attacks on our communities. We want an end of sanctions,” she said.

Attacks on the vulnerable

Angela deplored Labour's plans to cut the winter fuel allowance.

"We're looking at citizens of this country who have given their lives in tax and Keir Starmer has taken their winter fuel allowance away from some of the most vulnerable in our society," she said.

"It's important that we're on the ground and we work to ensure that we have a decent social system in place. Let's ensure we are the cavalry, we are the vanguard of communities and we will lead people out of poverty."

Angela called on people to lobby their MPs over cuts and to urge them to create a social security system with support at its heart.

Maria McCaul coordinator of the LUS said: "We want to ensure each of us can fulfil our own potential without fear of harm to our mental and physical health, of starvation and homelessness."

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