Urge your colleagues to vote in the ballot

With voting still open, we want as many members as possible to take part in the ballot.

Our online, consultative ballot is about the future of the campaign that you have already supported with industrial action, whether it was on the national strike days or by also taking targeted strike action in your workplace. Your action has resulted in concessions from the government and an improved pay offer.

To strengthen our position going forward, we want as many members as possible to vote in the ballot, to support our plans for taking the campaign forward.

One way to strengthen our position is to speak to fellow PCS members in your workplace to make sure they have voted. You can explain why it’s important for them to have a say in this ballot, telling them your own reasons for voting.

Many members have already told us about the importance of voting. “Everyone has worked so hard and deserves to have a say on where the campaign goes next,” says Saul, who works for the DWP.

Maz, who works for the DBS, explains how the ballot gives members the power to decide the future direction of the campaign: “We’re member-led so it’s very important,” she says. “We always worry about whether we get a say in things. Sometimes you hear people say what are the union going to do, and it’s actually up to yourself. It’s very important to be involved and have your say."

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