“Update your details” prize draw winners announced

For Halloween this year we ran a prize draw, with three £100 prizes up for grabs for members who logged onto PCS Digital to update their details. The winners have now been announced. 

Three lucky winners each won £100 of shopping vouchers in our prize draw. We gave them a call to tell them the good news, and they spoke about why it’s important to keep your address, email and phone number up to date with PCS. 

Denise from the Met Police said: “I think it's very important to keep your details updated with PCS. I'm very passionate about making my voice heard, so keeping my details updated means I am up to date with union news and never miss out on ballot papers.”  

Our winner Hayley, from R&C Wales branch said: “It’s important to keep our contact details up to date otherwise we may miss out on important news and updates from the union including details of campaigns.” 

When we rang David from DWP Preston Central Office to tell him abut his win, he said that it was important to make sure your voice is heard in elections.  

Update your details to use your vote 

The general secretary and assistant general secretary ballot opened on 9 November and runs until noon on 14 December. This is a postal vote only – you cannot vote any other way.  


If you have lost your ballot paper you can request a replacement online by logging into PCS Digital. The deadline for replacements is 5pm on Tuesday 28 November 2023. 

New members 

Members who  join PCS by no later than noon on Wednesday 22 November will automatically be included in the ballot and do not need to request a ballot paper. 

Members with an invalid postal address 

Members who have updated an invalid postal address by no later than noon on Wednesday 22 November will automatically be included in the ballot and do not need to request a ballot paper.