Update your ballot address today

If your ballot address is not correct on your membership record you will not be able to vote in PCS elections or industrial action ballots.

Taking part in elections and ballots at PCS is an important part of your membership, however some members do not have correct ballot addresses on their membership records and are therefore not receiving ballot papers.

For legal reasons, many ballots have to be postal: a ballot paper is sent in the post to members to the address we hold on our membership database and must be completed and returned by post.

We will shortly be sending out ballot papers for members to vote on who becomes PCS’s next general secretary and assistant secretary, following the announcement that our current general secretary, Mark Serwotka, is retiring.

Postal ballots also take place to decide who sits on our national executive committee (NEC), which is responsible for carrying out the policies that are decided on at our annual conference and for making decisions on policy between conferences.

Also, any ballot for industrial action, including strike action, must by law be a postal ballot. Our campaign for pay, jobs, pensions justice and job security has involved periods of targeted and national strike action, and it is important that you get to vote on any action planned in the future.

You can update your details quickly and easily by logging in to PCS Digital. If you are not already registered, you can do so by completing our short registration form. You will just need to provide your name, date of birth, NI number, PCS membership number (at the top of this email).

Please take the time to check your address so that you can take full advantage of your membership and have your say in the future course of the union and our campaigns.