Update to FAQs on McCloud Remedy on Pensions

We have updated our Frequently Asked Questions to reflect the latest changes in the Civil Service Pensions rules.

Around 400,000 scheme members are affected by the McCloud Judgement Remedy, including many thousands of PCS members.

From January 2024, retired pension scheme members will receive letters from Civil Service Pensions if they are affected by the latest change in pension scheme rules which enable the remediation now required by law.  

Although PCS cannot provide financial advice, we are committed to passing on all available information about the changes and respond to questions from members and reps.  

We urge members to read our updated McCloud Remedy FAQs on Knowledge based on recent developments. 

For more detail about the McCloud Remedy and its ongoing implications, reps and members can read about this judgment and see the updated FAQs by logging into PCS Knowledge on PCS Digital.