Unite Against Tommy Robinson - national demonstration on 27 July

PCS, alongside many other trade unions, faith groups and anti-fascist organisations is proud to support the Stand up to Racism demonstration in London on 27 July. 

Our national president Martin Cavanagh will be speaking alongside MPs and activists from across the UK calling for unity against the worrying rise of the far-right in the UK, and across Europe.  

The demonstration will start with a rally at noon in Russell Square, London WC1B 5EH and followed by a march to Trafalgar Square.

Islamophobe Tommy Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Laxley-Lennon, has called a demonstration of fascist and far-right supporters to ‘take over central London’ on 27 July. This follows a similar mobilisation on 1 June this year, which saw the largest gathering of far-right supporters, around 5,000 in total, since Robinson’s English Defence League (EDL) group was defeated by much larger anti-racist and anti-fascist groups about five years ago.

The Stand Up To Racism organisation, which PCS supports, has called for a huge show of strength and defiance against Tommy Robinson and the far-right on the same day.  

Speaking for PCS, general secretary Fran Heathcote said: “Many PCS members will have observed the rise of the far-right across Europe in recent months, and the election of 5 Reform UK candidates, including Nigel Farage, to the UK parliament with concern.

“It’s more important than ever that PCS, alongside the other trade unions join with anti-fascist and other progressive organisations to mobilise against the far-right wherever and whenever it appears.”

Stand up to Racism and Love Music, Hate Racism groups around the UK have organised transport to the demonstration. PCS members can claim transport costs for attending the demonstration and are asked to contact their PCS Regional Secretary about this.  

Details of local transport are listed on the Stand up to Racism website