Training courses to help get you involved in your PCS AGM

We have a new course specially for young members and one for reps who make the arrangements for their branch Annual General Meeting.

The PCS Annual General Meeting (AGM) season is coming around again very soon, and branches are preparing to send out notices, call for elections, and ask for motions from members. With vital issues such as pay, staffing levels, the cost-of-living crisis and many more, there has never been a more important time to plan for lively, well-attended AGMs. 

Training for Young Members

If you are a young member and want to know how you can contribute toward the union’s democracy, there is a new short course consisting of two 2-hour sessions, aimed at young members interested in getting more involved in your Branch AGM. 

The course will explain the Annual General Meeting processes and build your confidence to write and present 'motions' at your Branch's AGM.  Find out how AGMs lead toward PCS group and national conference each year and help formulate national PCS policies for the benefit of all members.

Training for PCS Reps 

We also run a two half-days courses, in December and January, aimed at any PCS branch officers or reps involved with preparing for your branch AGM. The course is designed to explain the whole AGM process including deadlines, helping to increase AGM attendance and participation, and to develop your motion writing and speaking skills.

Dates & Online registration links (login to PCS Digital required)

  1. Preparing for your PCS AGM Monday 4 & Tuesday 5 December 2023 - 10am to 12:30pm both days.
  2. Union Democracy in Action: Young Members & Your AGM  Thursday 7 and Monday 11 December 4:00pm to 6:00pm both days.
  3. Preparing for your PCS AGM Wednesday 10 & Thursday 11 January 2023 - 1:30pm to 4:00pm both days.

Read our 10 top tips for Boosting your AGM attendance.