TPR members outraged at imposition of shoddy pay offer

The Pensions Regulator has announced that it will unilaterally impose a pay offer of 3% of the overall pay pot to all its employees after refusing to meaningfully explore options to meet the expectations of staff to receive pay increases in line with

Disgracefully this will result in many TPR staff getting between 0% and 2% for the third year running at a time when inflations is 6.7% and only recently fallen from much higher levels.

Were TPR to have agreed to take genuine steps to meet PCS pay demands all staff could have received a pay award this year of over 4% and the lowest paid could have achieved a pay rise of considerably more than the measly 6.25% that will be imposed by TPR.

Instead they are content with hanging on to the £1.5m that is in the bonus pot which will no doubt significantly benefit the highest paid at the expense of the lower paid. Information received from a Freedom of Information Act request demonstrates that the highest paid are much more likely to be rewarded by the bonus pot and that the sums that they receive are considerably larger than those received by lower paid workers.

PCS does not believe that TPR have negotiated in good faith. Throughout the process of negotiations they have failed to share information and failed to work constructively with PCS. We do not accept their claim that the process of collective bargaining is exhausted as there is so much more they could do to increase the pay pot. Rather than look for ways of making things better for TPR staff they have found excuses not to. This has been particularly evident in their approach to moving money from the bonus pot to the non-consolidated pot. TPR claim they cannot do this but the Treasury Pay Remit Guidance explicitly permits transferring 50% of the bonus pot into proper pay. TOR have refused to do this and attempted to justify not doing so with unsubstantiated claims that they had a legal obligation to pay all of the bonus pot. 

TPR have demonstrated disdain for the collective bargaining process and by doing so their disdain for the members that PCS represents.

PCS members in TPR will not give up. They know they deserve decent pay rises in line with other Civil Service employers and will continue with their strike action this week, next week and for the following two weeks. This will have a massive impact on TPRs ability to deliver on their statutory duties and cause untold reputational damage.

There is an ongoing ballot to renew the mandate for strike action in TPR. New members are joining PCS every day. Membership has increased by over 120% in the last 6 weeks. We are asking all members in TPR to demonstrate their strength of feeling by voting in the ballot, delivering an overwhelming mandate for continuing the strike action. This dispute is not over and TPR must get back round the table to negotiate meaningfully with your recognised trade union.