Today is your last chance to join PCS to vote in the ballot.

Join PCS today to get a vote in our online ballot on the future direction of our campaign for fair pay, pensions justice and job security.


If you are employed by any of the listed employers which are part of the PCS consultative ballot across the civil service and public sector, join PCS so you can vote on the next steps of our national campaign.

Running until 31 August, our online consultative ballot asks members to endorse the union’s strategy for the next stage in our campaign.

The strategy is to pause our strike action, except for areas yet to commit to paying the £1,500 cost of living payment, while we engage in departmental talks on pay for 2023/4. Once the talks have taken place we will reconsider our position.

Read our FAQs article for further information on the ballot and our explainer.

New members who join PCS before 5pm today (15) will automatically be included in the ballot. A voting email will be sent directly from the independent scrutineers in time for you to vote before 31 August.

By standing together, our members and reps have already won concessions from the government on our current campaign.

By joining PCS, you will be joining tens of thousands of other members across the civil service and related areas who want to stand up for better working conditions, for improved pay and conditions, for protections against redundancy and office closures, and who have a say in how their workplaces are organised and run.

As well as protection in the workplace we have a range of membership benefits including insurance deals, a free will service and access to the PCS Credit Union.

Join PCS online today.