Tell your MP that you deserve a pay rise

Sign our e-action to your MP asking them to support Early Day Motion 648 and our national campaign.

PCS is today (24) launching an e-action aimed at MPs, encouraging them to sign Early Day Motion (EDM) 648, tabled by chair of the PCS parliamentary group, Chris Stephens MP, and to support our national campaign.

The EDM highlights the findings in the research PCS commissioned from Dr Mark Williams which shows a worrying downward trend in civil service pay over recent decades, and calls on the government to get back round the negotiating table as a matter of urgency.

We are asking members to sign this e-action, which will go to local MPs, detailing why we are balloting and why it is important that they support our demands for fair pay, secure jobs and pensions justice. 

It takes less than two minutes, please sign.