Tell us you've voted in the consultative ballot

We’re encouraging members to tell us when you’ve voted. There are a number of ways you can do this.

We want to have a reliable picture of the campaign’s progress centrally and at branch level. It will also allow our reps identify which members need replacement ballots and assist them with that process.

We'll be contacting members throughout the ballot campaign; if you’ve already told us you’ve voted this will help avoid unnecessary contact reminding you to vote.

How to tell us you've voted
  • Respond to the prompt from the Civica ballot email – when you've voted online you'll be taken to another screen which will ask if you are happy for Civica to tell PCS you've voted. Over 40,000 members have already told us this way that they've voted.
  • Tell your rep at work and you will be marked off on the list
  • If you haven't told us by 21 August that you've voted, you'll get a phone call from a PCS volunteer and you may also receive a text reminder which will ask if you have voted.

We won't ask you whether you've voted yes or no, just whether you have voted. But we encourage members to VOTE YES to back our campaign.