Take part in our consultation on PCS’s democratic processes

We want to hear your opinions on possible changes to PCS elections to encourage more members to get involved.

PCS is proud of its democratic roots and is constantly looking at ways to increase participation and engagement across the union. One of the key objectives of this area of work is to increase turnout in union elections.

We are therefore asking branches and members for your thoughts on possible changes to PCS elections to encourage more members to vote.

Previous work on looking at ways of increasing participation in the union’s democratic processes began in 2021 when motion A9 was carried at our annual delegate conference. The motion instructed the national executive committee (NEC) to look at ways of increasing membership participation and the work that followed highlighted key areas for review.

The consultation document presents the key issues and proposals including changes to the size and structure of the NEC, the introduction of cyclical elections and the use of different voting systems for the election of senior full-time officers. The document gives figures on current voting turn out and pros and cons for each of the changes suggested. It takes into account differing views across the union and does not promote any particular option.

Increasing engagement in PCS’s democratic processes is a key element of the union’s strategic planning going forward and every branch is being asked to take part. 

A link to the online consultation has been emailed to branch officers and members should contact their branch about completing the survey.

The consultation closes on 8 December 2023.

Read the consultation document.

Please send any queries to PCS policy officer Seamus Colclough at seamusc@pcs.org.uk