Support Safe Passage for Refugees - email your MP today

We are asking all PCS members to increase support for our campaign for a Safe Passage Visa scheme for refugees, by emailing your local MP.

Since we launched our Safe Passage for Refugees policy last November, it has received widespread support. Despite this the government is still doubling down on its disgraceful treatment of refugees.

From the Rwanda policy, to the failed attempts to push boats back in the Channel, to housing refugees in dangerous and unsafe barges, nothing has worked. Far from solving the problem, these heartless and inhumane policies have inflicted even more suffering on traumatised refugees.

In the face of this cruelty, and with an ever-present risk of more avoidable deaths, the time for a Safe Passage Visa scheme has never been greater. Neither of the two main political parties has a humane solution, despite cross-party support for Safe Passage in both the House of Commons and the Lords.

By taking two minutes to complete our e-action you can tell your MP why Safe Passage is the best and only answer to stop the boats and save lives.

At TUC Congress 2023 PCS will be hosting a fringe meeting on Tuesday 12 September at 12.45 to raise awareness of our policy. The meeting will feature speeches from Mark Serwotka, PCS general secretary; Clare Moseley, founder of Care4Calais; and Weyman Bennett from Stand Up To Racism. The meeting will be chaired by PCS president, Fran Heathcote.

The Party Conference season will also give us the opportunity to increase support from politicians and you can play your part by contacting your MP.

Too many people have died and more lives will be lost unless something is done. That something is Safe Passage and its time is now.

Email your MP