Strike Rally for National Museums Liverpool

The rally on Saturday marks 56 days of strike action with the message that the dispute is not over. 

PCS members working for the seven museums and galleries that make up National Museums Liverpool started strike action on Saturday 17 February in their dispute with the employer over its refusal to pay a £1500 cost-of-living payment. The last day of this period of strike action will be Sunday 14 April.

On Saturday 13 April the strikers will be on the picket line as usual from 8am and will then hold a rally outside the Museum of Liverpool on Liverpool’s waterfront at 10:00am. The rally will be addressed by PCS acting national president Martin Cavanagh and other speakers.

Following the rally there will be a social event at The Casa on Liverpool’s Hope Street, including a free buffet.

After taking 56 days of strike action, the museum workers are due to return to work on Monday 15 April. However, although there has been some progress in negotiations, until an acceptable settlement is reached, the dispute is not over and further strike action is likely.

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