Strike levy to cease

Following members’ overwhelming endorsement of the NEC strategy, PCS has now taken the necessary steps to stop the collection of the strike levy from members. 

The levy funded the various targeted actions in 2023 that were instrumental in disrupting employers and bringing the UK Government to the negotiating table. Having secured a lump sum for members, an increase in the Treasury's pay remit and further talks, we consulted members on our campaign and in that ballot an overwhelming 90.3% voted to continue the campaign, pause strike action and end the levy. General secretary Mark Serwotka has since provided a campaign update

What do I have to do? 

If you are paying for your membership by direct debit, the additional strike levy will be removed before the October collection date. You will have been sent an email to confirm that charges are being reverted to the standard amounts. If we do not have a personal email address for you, the confirmation will arrive by post and reach you no less than 10 working days before the scheduled collection date.  

For members who pay by check-off, we are now writing to your employers to request that they remove the levy from September 2023. 

I haven’t received my email… 

It is possible that the email has gone to your spam folder or that we don’t have your personal email address. Please do check your details on PCS Digital and let us know.