Strike action at The Pensions Regulator going from strength to strength

PCS members at The Pensions Regulator are continuing to take strike action, which they expect will soon bring some of their operations to a standstill.

Over 300 PCS members working for The Pensions Regulator (TPR) in Brighton took strike action on 11, 12 and 17 and 18 October. Two more weeks of action are planned from 23 to 27 October and 30 October to 3 November.

This round of action builds on the strike taken by members between 5 and 18 September in pursuit of our national campaign demands. 

TPR is only offering a pay rise of 3% while other civil service employers are paying a minimum of 4.5%, with an additional 0.5% of the overall pay pot to be targeted at the worst-paid staff. 

PCS members at TPR are particularly angry because TPR has got a substantial bonus pot of £1.5 million which is set to be paid mainly to the highest-paid staff, with the lowest paid seeing very little of this money. 

Impact of the strike

Four weeks in, there has been no drop-off in attendances on the picket lines, which have been loud and colourful since the outset.

Between 40 and 70 members have attended the picket lines every day so far. Members yesterday (17) reported that serious backlogs of work are building up and they expect that – by the end of the strike period on 3 November – TPR will be left unable to deliver its full service.

Huge support for the strike was shown at a meeting on Friday evening (13) that was attended by over 150 members.

The general public in Brighton have also shown great support for the strike, with cars and lorries tooting their horns and many people stopping to talk to strikers to express their solidarity. 

The local branch is also looking to hold a banner-making workshop after a picket next week to coincide with the Brighton half-term holiday period.

Refused to concede

PCS has had numerous meetings with TPR management, but they have refused to concede anything and have doubled down on their original position of not meeting the terms of the civil service pay remit guidance. 

Because of the dispute, new members are joining PCS every day. Membership has increased by over 120% in the last six weeks. 

There is currently a ballot underway to renew the mandate so strike action can continue in TPR if necessary to push for a  pay rise in line with other civil service employers.

How to show your support

• Visit the picket lines on strike days outside Telecom House, 125-135 Preston Road, Brighton BN1 6AF.
• Send messages of support to 
• You can also support our striking members by making an online donation to our strike fund.

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