Still time to vote in our leadership elections

The closing date for the ballot is 14 December so there’s still time to return your ballot paper.

The general secretary and assistant general secretary are the most senior elected officials in PCS, implementing union policy and managing its resources. The elections are your chance to choose who leads our union for the next five years.

The ballot closes at noon on 14 December and it is a postal vote only.

Our present general secretary, Mark Serwotka, who will be retiring in January 2024, explains the importance of the elections:

“Your vote is critical. The successful candidates will need to show government and employers, who they’ll have to negotiate with on your behalf, that they have the backing of the overwhelming members of our union. The more people who vote, the stronger mandate they have.”

“You’ll be voting for the person who will represent you in the media, represent you with government politicians, represent you in important negotiations with the Cabinet Office and employers. 

Watch Mark’s video in full on our Facebook page.

PCS DWP rep Nasrin described the elections as “a huge moment in our union’s history” and urged all members to vote for a strong leadership for the next five years.

Similarly Zac from the Home Office describes the elections as “some of the most important elections that our members participate in” and stressed the importance of members choosing “the best leadership possible” to take the union forward onto future campaign successes.

Read the candidates’ election addresses (opens as a PDF pop-up).