Solidarity works – Union wins

Catering and cleaning staff in ISS campaigned and won their dispute to keep their monthly pay date.

After a long campaign, PCS members employed by ISS have won the right to return to having their wages paid monthly. 

Catering and cleaning staff working at 10 Downing Street and the Cabinet Office had their contractual pay frequency changed from monthly to bi-weekly, without their agreement. This caused our members severe financial hardship and unnecessary anxiety and stress. 

Solidarity and a well organised campaign can force a large private sector company to change their mind

Our members and their union set up a campaign demanding the restoration of the pay date and lodged a collective grievance, with a view to take employment tribunal claims against ISS. With support from the public and through the PCS parliamentary group ISS not only agreed to restore monthly pay for our members but extended this right to include ISS staff employed on Government Property Agency run contracts who had also been affected by the change. 

PCS believes that the petition which we set up and received over 5000 signatures along with the 49 MPs who signed an early day motion helped win this dispute. This along with the support of the members involved shows that solidarity and a well organised campaign can force a large private sector company to change their mind and not take our members for granted.