Sign up for one of our autumn PCS Academy courses

The new education programme covering August to December is now available.

Today PCS Academy launches its programme of courses for our autumn 2024 term.  There’s a huge range of training for all, from new PCS members to the most experienced reps.

  • Get involved  - each region has introductory Welcome to PCS courses; find out what it means to be active in the union;
  • Advocates – contact your local branch officers for a short induction on how you can support PCS’s organising work within your own workplace. This session can be followed up with a Next Steps bitesize one-hour course in your region;
  • Skills and Knowledge - sign up for a PCS Workplace Rep course, or get specialised training as a health and safety, learning or equality rep;
  • Develop – learn what you need to perform a new role e.g. if you’ve now been elected to be your branch secretary, chair, treasurer or organiser
  • Fight for fairness - attend a one-day course on an issue your branch may want to campaign on, e.g. reasonable adjustments, mental health, age discrimination, racism & intolerance, tackling stress, or climate justice.

How to apply

All courses are now available for online registration. All you need to do is register and log in to PCS Digital, then click on ‘Courses & Events’ and select your course.

Browse the PCS Academy August to December 2024 courses available in your region. 

Find out what each course looks like in the latest version of our PCS Academy Prospectus.  

Sign up for PCS Academy training today, and make a difference in your workplace.