Scotland and Wales Executive Committees - Elections open

Members living in Scotland and Wales are encouraged to vote in the elections to the Scotland and Wales Executive Committees, which open today (16).

Following the first devolved policy conferences which took place in October and November, elections are now taking place to select the members and officers of the Scotland executive committee and Wales executive committee.

Members who live in Scotland or Wales will have the opportunity to vote on candidates for the executive committees. Elections open on 16 January and close at noon on 1 February 2024.

This is the first time that the lead elected bodies in both countries have been subject to an all-member ballot. This follows a rule change agreed by PCS annual delegate conference in 2023, which established that decisions on devolved matters should now be made in Scotland and Wales, rather than being referred to the national executive committee (NEC).

The ballot is online and voting instructions will be sent to members' personal email addresses. If we do not hold a personal email address, a ballot paper will be sent in the post. 

In Scotland, members are able to vote for:

  • Co-convenor – 2 to be elected
  • Deputy convenor – 2 to be elected
  • Scotland executive committee members - 14 to be elected.

In Wales, members are able to vote for:

  • Chair – 1 to be elected
  • Vice chair - 3 to be elected
  • Wales executive committee members - 12 to be elected.

Regulations and constitutions of both committees are available:

Scotland constitution and regulations

Wales constitution and regulations