Register for the PCS Young Members seminar

The PCS Young members’ seminar will be held in Newcastle on 2-3 September for PCS members aged 27 and under, giving young members the chance to debate the issues which affect them in the workplace and wider society.

To address the challenges faced by young workers, PCS will host this year’s National Young Members’ Seminar, bringing together young members from all branches and regions. The seminar aims to empower Young Members with the tools to effect real change in their workplaces and communities.

Young workers face an uphill battle against low pay, unaffordable housing and diminishing career prospects. The PCS Young Members’ seminar will provide an opportunity for those workers directly affected to debate and discuss these issues and develop strategies to overcome these challenges effectively.

The seminar will also host educational sessions on how we organise to win in our workplaces and in our communities. Guest speakers will share their experiences of campaigning for workers’ rights and societal change. The elections for the National Young Members’ Officers will also take place at the Seminar allowing you to take part in the vital democracy that ensures our committee is accountable to members like you.

Louis Radforth, North West Regional Convenor, emphasises the need for unity and action to challenge the status quo. In his words, "We can get organised, we can fight back, and we can win." Louis encourages young members form across the union to get involved, saying “Make sure you are ready to stand up for yourself and your fellow workers by signing up to this year’s Seminar and getting involved in the network for the upcoming year. Young Members of all levels of experience will be welcome.”

This is an excellent opportunity to meet with other young PCS activists and reps, and there’ll also be a social event with a much more relaxed atmosphere.

Places are limited, so register your interest and if you want to stand for an elected position on the National Committee, read the information you’ll need. Closing date for nominations is Friday 18 August.

If you have any questions about the seminar, or the young members network please do not hesitate to contact