Recovering from Bullying

An offer of coaching sessions for PCS members

Executive coach Stephen Tolfree – who is also co-chair of the HMRC mental health network – is offering to provide coaching sessions for PCS members during 2024/25. The sessions are aimed at helping members who have been subject to bullying, to rebuild their confidence and to help them put the negative experiences behind them. Here is one of the testimonials Stephen has received:

“I had been bullied by a previous manager and my confidence was at rock bottom and I was terrified at communications with my new team. The coaching was an emotional experience but it helped me to let go of my resentments and to forgive. As a result I have completely recovered and my confidence is now fully returned. I have faith both in myself and my team, I’m no longer fearful and I’m thriving in my new role.”

If you are interested in attending a coaching session you can express an interest by completing the online form via this link.

[HMRC computers only]

Hector Wesley, HMRC group president