Recent Changes in PCS

How the last few months have impacted the union, writes PSMA President Jas McGuinness

It has been an interesting few months for PCS with changes at the very top of our union.

I would like to begin this article with a tribute to our, now retired, general secretary (GS) Mark Serwotka. Mark became our GS in 2000 when he won in a hotly contested and controversial contest, beating the then incumbent GS of the predecessor union CPSA. Despite the attempt at a Trump style coup, the courts found in favour of the new leadership and Mark continued as our GS until he retired in January this year. During his 24 years of leadership, PCS has become one of the most respected unions within the movement and has led the way on many important social issues, most famously regarding our union’s opposition to and legal challenges against the Westminster government's racist Push Back and Rwanda policies last year. Mark also had some incredibly challenging times as PCS GS, the most widely known of which is the health condition he developed several years ago which necessitated him having a heart transplant at Papworth Hospital. I trust you'll all join with me in wishing him a long and happy retirement, with our thanks for all the magnificent work he did for our union.

Ensure that your voice and that of the Commercial Sector within the union is heard at the national level

Due to Mark's retirement PCS now has our first ever female GS, Fran Heathcote, who had previously been president of the union for five years. John Moloney was also re-elected for a second term as our assistant general secretary. Congratulations to both and a special thanks for all the work they do on behalf of our members in the commercial sector.

The elections for the national executive committee (NEC) are also just around the corner and as I did last year, I encourage each of you to use your vote in this election to ensure that your voice and that of the commercial sector within the union is heard at the national level.