Read PCS People: our Election and Conference special edition

Our members' magazine focuses on our general election demands and includes a special supplement on our annual delegate conference as well as campaign and legal updates.

You can read the issue online now.

Our lead story on the general election explains the importance of voting in the general election on 4 July and links to our nine demands for an incoming government, issues tor you to consider when casting your vote.

There is also a special supplement on our annual delegate conference, including details of the debates and motions passed, fringe events, the organising awards and a summary of the financial report.

Read the latest columns by our general secretary Fran Heathcote and our president Martin Cavanagh – both stress the importance of voting in the general election and how PCS will put maximum pressure on the incoming government to achieve our demands.

There is also an update on our national campaign and an article on how we are continuing to work with other unions to campaign on pensions justice.

There is a section on international solidarity and why it is a trade union issue, and an article on Ukraine: the war through a trade union lens.

There are lots of other interesting and informative articles inside, including:

Open and read the latest issue.

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