Proud to be a key worker, proud to be a trade unionist campaign launches

The PCS London and Southeast regional committee and organising team are launching the campaign at a lunchtime pay day rally tomorrow (31).

At the launch event, BMA rep, Tatyana Sarnecki, will be talking about the campaign of junior doctors to win a decent pay rise. PCS reps from London and the south east region will talk about how they were praised during the pandemic for keeping the country going, but trashed afterwards by a government not considering them worthy of an inflation-proofed pay rise. PCS reps will say how they are proud of the job they do as key workers, but are also equally proud to be trade unionists who are collectively defending the pay, terms and conditions of civil servants and the vital public services they deliver.

Follow the campaign throughout the autumn and look out for activities your branch can get involved with. There will be leafleting of PCS workplaces on 4 and 5 September. Make sure you have leaflets for your workplace using the order form. 

During the recruitment week, 18 to 22 September, please set up a PCS stall in your work canteen, do leafleting, and arrange meetings for members and non-members. If you need help, contact the London and south east organising team There are also activities planned for the eastern region in September and October, with updates to follow.

Come to the pay day rally tomorrow (31) at 12.30pm to 1.30pm – register for the Zoom link.