Post-strike report

Following the targeted action taken by Glasgow Jobcentres in the first week of May, branch reps have been busy trying to keep the momentum going.

There was a real sense of unity and camaraderie during that week, and as reps we have tried to keep engaged with members - many of whom had recently joined. Many members had become jaded, but I witnessed a change in mood around this action. Members have been more forthcoming in talking to reps about wider issues.

There have been a lot of conversations around the pay ‘award’ and the £1500 payment. For many members there was, and still is, real anger and disappointment about this, but I have seen a shift in the anger being directed at the employer where previously members would have blamed ‘the union’. 

Engagement at branch meetings has improved, and we have recruited three new jobcentre reps who are currently in training. The targeted action empowered members to get involved and to feel part of the union. Members I have spoken to have been happy with the strike pay process which seems to have gone quite smoothly. 

We will continue to engage more and more with the membership and strengthen our union even more.