Plan for the planet

Our Climate Change Week is next month so read our tips on planning your event to highlight why climate change is a trade union issue.

PCS’s National Climate Change Week runs from 23 to 27 September. The dates have been chosen to link in with Climate Week NYC which runs in partnership with the United Nations General Assembly and coincides with the UN’s Summit of the Future high level event.

Climate change is a trade union issue. While we need a rapid transition away from oil and gas to prevent catastrophic climate breakdown, we also need to ensure that this creates skilled jobs, and protects against inequality and declining standards caused by the fossil-fuelled market economy.

Climate Change Week is your chance to get your branch to campaign around climate change. You can come up with your own ideas or contact for suggestions. And here are some good options to consider:

Stalls: Unions often hold stalls on recruitment and campaigns. Get in touch and we can provide literature and materials to help with your Climate Change Week stall.

Leafleting: A great way to get the word out where you can start a conversation and leave people to read more in their own time.

Meeting: PCS will be announcing a national lunchtime meeting during the week. If you want one in your own workplace, we can provide a brief and/or a speaker.

Activity: Why not raise the green profile with a group activity like litter-picking or a ‘leave-your-car-at-home day’?  You could also ask health and safety reps to inspect your workplace's capability to handle high temperatures.

Local campaigns: You could reach out to local campaigns or other unions who are currently active on green issues. We can link you up with other branches in your area. See what you could collaborate on over the week.

Green Reps: Try and persuade one or more members of your branch to become a green rep. There’s lots going on to get involved with.

Learning: Register for the next 1-day PCS Green Reps and Climate Justice course being held on 5 December.

To find out more or to make further arrangements, email