PCS A to Z: U is for Union reps

Our network of reps is always on hand to support members with problems both in and out of the workplace

When you join PCS you join an organisation that is there for you and has the expertise to support you whatever your issues.

We have workplace reps in most workplace and they are supported by advocates. We provide training for all our new reps in negotiating, organising and representing members.

We also have reps who choose to take on more specialised roles, becoming health and safety reps or representing particular groups of members, for example women’s reps or LGBT reps.

Our health and safety reps are fully trained and have a legal right to time off to carry out their duties including workplace audits and inspections.

While our reps are mainly there to support you with problems at work, many issues from outside can impact your ability to do your job. We run training courses in dealing with domestic violence, the menopause, trans equality and a range of other topics to ensure our reps can help.

Members can log into PCS Digital to find out the name and contact details of their local rep.

If you are already a member and would like to become a rep or an advocate, please email organising@pcs.org.uk.

Not yet a member? Join online today.