PCS A to Z: R is for Representation

One of the most vital services PCS provides is representation for members. We have a vast network of reps across the UK, and aim for a rep in every workplace.

If you have a problem at work, your local PCS rep should be your first point of contact. Your reps are trained to support you and to advise you on workplace issues. They can raise concerns on your behalf, represent you in negotiations and accompany you to disciplinary or grievance hearings.

You have the right to be accompanied by your PCS rep to some meetings with your employer. If you feel that you are being denied your trade union rights, talk to your reps right away.

It’s important to know who your PCS reps are and how to contact them. You can find out who your reps are in your workplace by registering and logging in to PCS Digital.

Occasionally, it may be that there isn’t a local rep in your workplace. If this is the case, don’t worry, all you need to do is email the PCS response team at responseteam@pcs.org.uk and tell them you don’t have a local rep but that you need representation. Or call 020 7801 2670.

If you are interested in becoming an advocate or rep email organising@pcs.org.uk

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