PCS A to Z: M is for Menopause

M is for menopause, which does or will affect more than half of our members.

Menopausal symptoms can affect women, trans people and people with variations of sex development. Symptoms, intensity, timing and duration are variable but the menopause can have a significant physical and psychological impact.

Not only can the menopause affect a person’s working life but their work can also affect their symptoms. PCS is fighting to ensure that people experiencing menopause are properly supported by their employers and that stigma is challenged and eradicated.

  • PCS has drafted and agreed a model menopause policy with the Cabinet Office. Branches and Groups can use this policy to negotiate with the employer to support members in the workplace.
  • A course for reps - Menopause in the Workplace - creates greater awareness of the menopause as a workplace issue and gives our reps the skills they need to help. Book on the website or contact tuedacademy@pcs.org.uk.

If you are not being treated fairly, talk to your local PCS rep and they will ensure you get the help and support that you need. Find your local rep by logging in to PCS Digital.

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