PCS wins big in Whitehall for ISS facilities management staff

PCS members at three government departments have voted to accept a much improved offer on pay, terms and conditions.

After 34 days of strike action PCS members employed by outsourcing giant ISS have agreed a deal that will see their pay rise above the Living Wage Foundation’s rates and secure them further gains on full pay sick absence and other vital terms, closing the gap between them and the civil service.

The deal, which will be backdated to 1 March 2023, continues to build on the previous successes from this group of workers, breaking the industry standard of statutory minimum terms and conditions for hundreds of workers. 

PCS full time official Kim Lowes said: “This win shows that when PCS members are willing to take action, it delivers results. It will give hope to other workers across Whitehall where PCS is fighting outsourced providers that are seeking to detrimentally change pay cycles, plunging workers into poverty.

“PCS is committed to extending these wins across Whitehall and ending the scourge of outsourcing that has seen a race to the bottom to maximise profits.

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