THE PCS WEEK 27 November - 3 December

Our postal ballot to choose PCS’s new general secretary and assistant general secretary is underway and we want as many members to vote as possible. If you need a replacement ballot paper the deadline for requesting one is 5pm on Tuesday 28 November.

Ask your MP to vote against Minimum Service Levels

Ask your MP to stand with PCS members and other workers against proposed laws that would effectively criminalise strike action.

Vote in our leadership elections

Our postal ballot to choose PCS’s new general secretary and assistant general secretary opened on 9 November, following Mark Serwotka’s announcement that he is retiring. The ballot closes on 14 December.

Read the latest issue of PCS People on the importance of campaigning and voting

Our members’ magazine focuses on our national campaign, young members, ongoing and successful strike action and there are reports on how members have won legal cases thanks to help from PCS.

PCS LGBT+ Members National Seminar 2023

25 - 26 November: 12pm - 1pm 

Our seminars are aimed at any members with an interest in equality and who want to progress and improve the equality agenda in their workplace or branch.

Sexual Harassment

27 - 30 November: 9am – 12pm

This short course is aimed at PCS reps (and also open to non-union reps where spaces are available) and will cover: Why sexual harassment is a trade union issue. 

Neurodiversity in the Workplace stage 1

28 - 29 November: 9:30am – 4:30pm

Sign up for our two day course and become a PCS Neurodiversity Champion.

Health and Safety Reps Part 1

28 November - 12 December: 10am – 4pm

This course will help you mount campaigns to ensure PCS members have protection from stress-inducing, presentee-ism fixated employers…through a strong, well organised union.

Handling Complex Issues - Eastern, London and the South East regions

28 November - 12 December: 10am – 4pm

This course is aimed at more experienced reps. It focuses on Conduct & Discipline, Bullying/Harassment, Discrimination, Attendance& ‘Efficiency’ issues

Welcome to PCS - North West region

28 - 29 November: 10:30am – 1:30pm

This course is aimed at members who are new to the union and interested in getting involved in union activity.

Advocates Next Steps - Midlands and South West regions

28 November: 5pm – 6pm

The aim of this session is to continue to develop the skills of union advocates who have begun to carry out the role' and to give them confidence in talking to members to help build the union.


29 November: 10am – 4pm

This course helps you define bullying behaviours and outlines how PCS reps can help individual members who complain of bullying.

Cancer in the Workplace

30 November: 10am – 4pm

This course will; help reps explore issues to be faced if a union member is diagnosed with cancer, including their rights to time-off; campaign for and negotiate improved employer policies

Register with PCS Digital to book yourself onto an upcoming course

PCS courses and events are listed on PCS Digital. To view and reserve spaces for upcoming events you'll need to log in. If you have not yet registered for PCS Digital, please do so.

Check your details are up to date

Make sure your personal and contact details are correct on PCS Digital so that we can contact you and send you important information.

Get in touch

Check out our events pagePCS Digital, or contact your local rep or regional office to find out what’s going on this week and in the coming weeks.

Let us know what your group or branch is planning so we can publicise it in our weekly round-up. Email

Stay informed by updating your details securely online