The PCS Week: 17 - 23 June

Make sure you are registered to vote in the general election - the deadline is 18 June. Then have a look at the courses we're running, including racism and intolerance in the workplace and understanding the Equality Act.

Make sure you can vote in the General Election

Before you go to the polling station, you must make sure that you have the right identification documents and are registered to vote.

PCS launches its key asks for a future government

The PCS Charter includes demands on pay, jobs, trade union rights and hybrid working.

Help PCS to win: join our Organising course

Our ability to make a difference on issues depends on how strong we are in the workplace. The best measure of our strength is how well we are organised locally.

PCS and 1st Class Credit Union

1st Class Credit Union aims to provide its members with an ethical and affordable service while keeping them at the heart of the organisation. 

Racism & Intolerance (Taster session)

18 June: 12:30pm – 1:30pm

This 1 hour session is an introduction to the one-day PCS 'Racism and Intolerance' course, which utilises materials developed by the TUC and anti-racism organisations. 

Understanding Disability In The Equality Act 2010

19 June: 10am – 4pm

This course will examine ways in which PCS branches can take a more collective organising and campaigning approach to defend and progress disabled members interests and fight workplace discrimination.

Organising & Industrial Relations

15 May: 10apm – 4pm

Sign up to this four day course to get more involved in building the union. This course is not just for Branch Organisers - it's for all activists!

Branch Treasurer Induction

20 June: 10am – 2pm

Introductory session to familiarise new Branch Treasurers with the basics of the role and duties. 

Advocates Next Steps 

20 June: 12pm – 1pm

The aim of this session is to continue to develop the skills of union advocates who have begun to carry out the role' and to give them confidence in talking to members to help build the union.

Register with PCS Digital to book yourself onto an upcoming course

PCS courses and events are listed on PCS Digital. To view and reserve spaces for upcoming events you'll need to log in. If you have not yet registered for PCS Digital, please do so.

Check your details are up to date

Make sure your personal and contact details are correct on PCS Digital so that we can contact you and send you important information.

Get in touch

Check out our events pagePCS Digital, or contact your local rep or regional office to find out what’s going on this week and in the coming weeks.

Let us know what your group or branch is planning so we can publicise it in our weekly round-up. Email

Stay informed by updating your details securely online