PCS statement on attacks by the far right

PCS General Secretary Fran Heathcote and National President Martin Cavanagh have issued a joint statement condemning the recent violence and hatred.

Over recent days we have witnessed the most atrociously violent attacks on communities by the far right. These attacks are not protests, they are racially targeted riots aimed at our Black and Muslim brothers and sisters, as well as vulnerable refugees seeking asylum in this country. 

The escalation continues to be fuelled by misinformation and hatred, and it has led to vicious attacks on innocent members of the Muslim, black and migrant communities.

We are not only concerned that these riots are spreading, but that they are targeting entire communities, the livelihoods and safety of thousands, some of whom are our dedicated and hard working members. Visa and immigration offices are now the target of fascist thugs, threatening our members' safety and that of the community where the offices are located.

We cannot stand by and allow this to happen. We are calling on employers, management and government ministers to act urgently to protect their staff, the communities they serve and the individuals who rely on their services.

PCS stands with our Black and Muslim members, their families and communities during these troubling and dangerous times. We are appalled that such horrific attacks are taking place in communities which promote unity, solidarity and hope. PCS is here to support any member affected by these incidents. We urge members to speak to their reps and regional officers who are on hand to offer support. We are proud of the amazing work which is carried out by our Black members' network, which is united in the calls for unity and peace. We are proud of every PCS member who has helped communities that have been targeted, and who have spoken out against these attacks. 

PCS will continue to stand with our Black and Muslim brothers and sisters, supporting communities and continuing to educate and organise to fight fascism and racism in society. Unity is strength and united, our values of hope and solidarity will never be defeated.