PCS signs two trade union recognition agreements with G4S

PCS members employed by G4S have won two trade union recognition agreements covering the Cabinet Office and related sites and the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, covering approx. 150 security officers.

What is trade union recognition?

Trade union recognition is an acknowledgement by an employer that a union has the right to consult and negotiate on behalf of its members on key workplace issues such as pay and terms and conditions. It allows PCS members covered by the agreement to elect their local trade union representatives and to have an independent voice in the workplace.

Organising is the key

PCS members started organising for trade union recognition well before they were transferred to G4S on the 1 October 2023. Mitie, their previous employer declined to voluntarily agree to recognise PCS. Therefore members had to go down the legal route which required 50% of the workforce to be PCS members. Existing members played an active role in this process by carrying out organising conversations with every member of staff about the benefits of being in the union, including the right to collectively bargain - the official process by which trade unions negotiate with employers, on behalf of their members.

This is just one example of what union members can achieve when they organise together. PCS members are planning to build on this success in their first set of pay negotiations in early July. We will also start the process for electing PCS representatives for both contracts in the coming weeks.

In other G4S news

PCS members employed by G4S on the DWP contract are also getting organised and fighting back against poverty pay by taking joint strike action with their colleagues in the GMB union.

If you have a G4S work mate who is not yet a member of PCS encourage them to  join PCS today. Together you can build the workplace power needed to win improvements in your workplace.