PCS signs open letter for Together with Refugees

PCS is showing its support for a new Together with Refugees campaign which is calling for a fairer system for refugees.

Together with Refugees is a coalition of organisations that believe in showing compassion for people fleeing war, persecution, or violence, with members spanning a range of grassroots, community and refugee-led groups, international development charities, trade unions, and faith groups. 

On 11 December 2023, Together with Refugees launched a new campaign, Fair Begins Here, which aims to force the next UK government to commit to a fair new plan for refugees.

PCS head of bargaining Paul O’Connor has joined the general secretary of UNISON, Lord Richard Dannatt, Gary Lineker and other high-profile figures from across British society in signing an open letter to political leaders to call for this fairer plan for refugees.

The letter, which comes during a week when MPs will vote on the government’s proposed legislation on the Rwanda scheme which PCS has campaigned against, states:  

“Britain’s refugee system has become ever-more uncaring, chaotic and costly…These policies aren’t working for refugees and they aren’t working for local communities. That’s why we have come together to say we’ve had enough. Enough of the division. Enough of the short-term thinking. Enough of the wasted human potential. And it’s why we now call for something better.” 

The ‘Fair Begins Here’ campaign calls for: 

  • Protection for people fleeing war and persecution by upholding the UK’s commitment under international law to the right to claim asylum and by scrapping the Rwanda scheme.  
  • A proper strategy for welcoming refugees by ensuring fair, rapid decisions on their application for asylum, and the chance to rebuild their lives through settling in a community, being allowed to work and the chance to learn English.   
  • Stronger global cooperation to tackle the root causes that force people to flee their homes and provides positive solutions when they do, including through safe routes to refugee protection.   

As the government ramps up its attacks on refugees and migrants, it is important that we call on the government adopt our proposed policy of Safe Passage.

This would create a humane alternative to the Rwanda policy, would protect our members in the Home Office from being forced to work in an ever more hostile environment, and would help prevent the government using the demonisation of refugees in order to try to deflect from their catastrophic failures on people's living standards in the UK.

Next week on UN’s International Day of Migrants (18 December), PCS is joining a large number of other trade unions, charities and campaign groups at a demonstration against the government’s poisonous anti-refugee agenda.   

The demonstration will start outside the Home Office in London, at 2 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DF. There will be several speakers – including a representative from PCS – followed by live music and a social event in central London