PCS responds to OCS scaremongering tactics over strike action

OCS is putting pressure on PCS members not to take part in our lawful strike action.

OCS members working in courts as security officers will be taking strike action on 22, 25, 27 and 29 September.

Since the strike was announced, OCS managers have been phoning staff, asking if they will be taking strike action. They are manipulating pay data and putting pressure on members not to take strike action by informing them that they will be unable to cover any weekend overtime shifts if they take part in strike action over pay.

OCS has manipulated the pay data to show members losing more money by taking strike action than they will: it has included the attendance allowance and ignored the fact members will pay less tax. The fact that the employer would remove the attendance allowance for taking lawful strike action outlines everything OCS employees need to know about the company they work for. In order for us to call off industrial action, we would insist that any attendance allowance removed due to strike action is backdated on top of any proposed settlement.

It is disappointing OCS is putting time and effort fighting into PCS, but refuse to pay a fair rate of pay for the hard work and dedication members have shown.

The regular communications from OCS regarding strike action show the employer is concerned about the impact it will have. OCS continues to show disregard for staff, and the action we take will mean that courts in England and Wales are significantly affected. This will outline just how important the roles of security officers are to the running of courts.

Full time official Adam Verinder sent this message to members: "Please don’t allow OCS underhand tactics to distract you from the end goal. You can’t accept poverty pay any longer. OCS has a duty to help staff who are continuing to face the biggest cost of living crisis in the last 40 years. The proposed action is not a case of OCS members wanting to get more money, it is about OCS members needing and deserving more money, so you don’t continue to struggle every month to pay essential bills and put food on the table for your families. 

"Please take part in the strike action, get involved with picket lines in your local areas and demonstrate to OCS that you are prepared to fight for the pay increase you need and deserve."

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