PCS reps shine at TUC Midlands awards night

PCS representatives take centre stage at the TUC Midlands awards night on 24 November in Stratford-upon-Avon. The evening was a testament to the exceptional dedication and contributions of PCS activists in the region.

Organising award

Joint winners of the Organising Rep of the Year Award were Hannah Mason from PCS and Nicola Maskill from Unite. Hannah is an inspiration to her members, especially to her women and disabled members.  She has a talent for bringing new activists forward, especially from under-represented groups, giving them the confidence to come forward and continue the fight. Since she has been branch secretary, she has pushed her branch density to over 50%.

Communications award

John Ainslie received the communications rep of the year award for his work on the PCS national campaign.

The movement of staff in the civil service makes tracking members to allow branches to remain ballot-ready a challenging task.

John has been highly visible to members organising and campaigning in the workplace, raising the confidence and of members during the national campaign. He coordinated successful picket lines and demonstrations in Coventry, working alongside other unions and raising the profile of the strike.

Health and safety award

Helen Lewis has worked tirelessly to organise safety committees across the 11 sites covered by her branch.

She has succeeded in imposing monthly health and safety meetings on district management, and the employer now has two people who have health and safety responsibility centrally.

Helen frequently pulls out the threat of a Union Inspection Notice, although rarely has to follow it through. She has been described as 'awesome' by a new rep.

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