PCS National ballot opens today

The postal ballot opens today (18) and runs until 13 May, asking members if they are prepared to take strike action over our national campaign demands.

Opening today, 18 March. the postal ballot will run until 13 May, after which the national executive committee will meet to consider the next steps in our national campaign. It is vital that all PCS members take part to ensure we beat the 50% threshold for strike action.

Our pay demands for 2024/25 to the UK government include:

  • a cost-of-living rise, with an inflation-proofed increase plus pay restoration
  • pay equality across departments
  • a living wage of £15 per hour
  • London weighting provision of a minimum £5,000 per year
  • 35 days annual leave minimum
  • a significant shortening of the working week with no loss of pay.

The ballot includes members in 171 different bargaining areas, covering more than 150,000 PCS members across the civil service and related areas. Last year's industrial action did real and sustained damage to the employers and forced them to make concessions. We believe that equally strong action from PCS members will again force our demands.

Members in the Scottish devolved sector are not included in the ballot as they agreed a two-year pay deal last year.

Look out for your ballot paper

Ballot papers will be hitting door mats in the next few days. Make sure you vote, not just to meet the 50% threshold but to send a strong message to the government that our members deserve better pay, terms and conditions.

Strong support

The recent members' survey showed that there is already strong support from our membership for our pay claim and for strike action to support it. The strike levy, which enabled us to carry out effective and sustained action across multiple employment areas last year, will be reintroduced from the end of May.

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