PCS leadership elections: your union, your vote

An election for a new PCS general secretary (GS) has been sparked by Mark Serwotka’s retirement. The assistant general secretary (AGS) election will be held in parallel. 

The GS and AGS are the most senior employed officers of PCS. You can only vote by post.

PCS is proud of being a democratic member-led union. Everyone is urged to use their vote to have a say in who leads it. A good turnout strengthens the union and helps.

Ballots open: Thursday 9 November.

Ballot papers will be sent to all ordinary members at their designated postal address and should be returned in the prepaid envelope provided before the deadline of Thursday 14 December.

What you say

Stephen from the CPS said: "Good union leaders are vital and, as we have seen in the case of Mark Serwotka and Mick Lynch, they can be seen to speak for people well beyond their own membership.  But they have to drive the union forward too, so it’s an effective fighting force. By voting in large numbers, we can underline to all candidates that this is the expectation placed on them by tens of thousands of members."

Lorna from DWP said: "I have been a PCS rep for 15 years. We are a member-led union that puts democracy first and that’s why I will be voting. These elections choose our union’s leaders who will be making very important decisions on behalf of PCS members in future campaigns. This is why it is essential that all members have their say and vote in all elections."

Callum from the Home Office said: "When we’re looking for the professional, public faces of PCS, I think it’s so important that every member takes time to participate in our future as a union and vote for our leaders."