PCS launches its key asks for a future government

The PCS Charter includes demands on pay, jobs, trade union rights and hybrid working.

PCS has today (12) launched its charter for an incoming government highlighting nine key demands.

PCS members will ultimately deliver the policy objectives of the future government, therefore it is vital during this period of election campaigning that potential candidates, and parties, are aware of our demands. We urge PCS members who wish to lobby their local candidates to focus on the following asks:

1. Pay – return to national collective bargaining for civil service, pay restoration and inflation proofed pay rise

2. Jobs – investment in the civil service including a properly staffed civil service helps every community in the country and ensure successful day to day functionality of government

3. Pensions - commitment that civil servants will secure pensions justice and an immediate review of state pension age  

4. Hybrid working – civil servants have continued to fulfil their roles to an incredibly high standard, with increased productivity, when given access to hybrid working. Future Government must acknowledge the changing world of work and the need for flexibility

5. Insourcing – PCS has led campaigning efforts to bring workers back into the public sector, supporting members employed in facilities management across government departments to challenge poor private employers. Insourcing should be a key commitment of any future government, giving these valued workers the same rights and opportunities as their civil service colleagues

6. Social Security – a system with support at its heart. Universal Credit is a dangerously flawed system, the most vulnerable continue to slip through its cracks and our members are the scapegoats for over a decade of social security failures. We need a system which supports the individual and does not demonise those who cannot work

7. Tax Justice – With the current tax gap estimated to be over £40bn it is time for a future government to invest in HMRC and ensure those who can pay more, do. Big business and the top 1% must pay their fair share and HMRC must be adequately resourced to ensure that the gap is reduced, and the public finances are restored off the backs of those who can and should pay more

8. Safe Passage – a policy which has broad support and will help to stop the boats in a humane and safe manner. Investment in the Home Office to ensure adequate support is given to those who are entering the UK, allowing them to contribute to society quickly. Working with our European partners to establish the policy and protect the most vulnerable. A future government must build on this policy, work with PCS, Care4Calais, and others to ensure the asylum system is reformed

9. Trade Union Rights – repeal all anti trade union laws in the UK. Working with trade unions to ensure democracy, fairness and access to a union is paramount in the world of work. Implement electronic balloting for trade unions and a return to adequate facility time for trade union activists.

PCS General Secretary, Fran Heathcote said: “The previous government has consistently attacked civil servants, making our members scapegoats for ministers’ own failed policies.

“We call on the incoming government to stop using our members as political fodder to appease the right-wing media and treat them with the respect they deserve - and that starts with giving them a fair pay rise.”

Visit our general election page and ensure you are registered to vote, secure free voter ID, and take part in your democratic rights on 4 July.