PCS launches DWP staffing campaign

PCS is launching a staffing campaign in the DWP. This is in response to the chronic staff shortages across nearly every area of DWP operations and the corporate centre.

We are demanding that the DWP responds to the staffing crisis by increasing the current staffing levels by 30,000. This is to cover the historic shortage of staff to deliver the service that the public expect and deserve. 

Worryingly the chancellor has signalled the government’s intention to freeze recruitment in the civil service which would have a devastating impact on members and the service they deliver to the most vulnerable people in society. 30,000 new staff would bring relief to members and bring staffing up to a level that would enable a decent service to be delivered in light of government policy announcements in last year’s autumn statement and the spring budget.

Massive response to our call for members’ stories

We would like to thank the hundreds of members who responded to our request for stories about how lack of staff is impacting on them and the public they serve. 

It is clear from those responses that staffing has become unacceptably low across all areas of DWP. Members from virtually all arms of DWP have shared shocking stories about the personal impacts of becoming ill due to the stress experienced as a result of the pressure of overwork. We have also been inundated with stories of how lack of staff has let down claimants with shortcuts in services that have had detrimental impacts on some of the most vulnerable in society. 

Next steps

  • We will collate the hundreds of testimonies from members about the impact of short staffing into a document that we will present to the DWP, politicians and the press.
  • Please attend a members’ meeting that your branch will hold to explore campaign all possible campaign options up to and including strike action.
  • Ask a colleague to join PCS. The more of us there are the more likely we are to get a resolution to the staffing crisis.